
8 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Iron Deficiency

8 Common Signs and Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Your body needs iron to make a protein called hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin helps carry oxygen around the body. So lack of oxygen supply leads to lack of energy for your body. So If your body doesn’t have enough hemoglobin, your tissues […]

The truth about fat

The Truth About Fat There are a lot of misconceptions about fat. Most people will focus on avoiding fat in their diet to stay healthy. The message almost because it was fine to eat a cookie if it was low fat. Many people still believe fat is bad for different reasons.  Here are a few […]

Perlukah saringan atau ujian Tiroid / TFT ?

Perlukah saringan atau ujian darah tiroid / TFT ? Jika anda mempunyai masalah berat badan, gelisah atau kemurungan, anda mungkin mempunyai masalah tiroid.   Tiroid adalah kelenjar yang berada pada bahagian leher dan menghasilkan hormon tiroid, yang mengawal banyak aktiviti di dalam badan anda, termasuk ; mengawal metabolisma dan tumbesaran badan, mengawal denyutan jantung,  mengawal fungsi otot dan […]